Solution For Multiomics

Biogenome didirikan dengan misi : memanfaatkan kekuatan multiomics untuk mengubah perawatan kesehatan, pertanian, dan banyak bidang lainnya. Dengan tim ahli yang kompeten, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi dan layanan genetik terbaik.


Explore About Current Circumstances

AmoyDX delivers innovative Next-Generation Sequencing-based solutions to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors and cancers. Starting with library construction, data analysis, and the interpretation of the results. AmoyDx has a focus on specificity and sensitivity so that patients can get A quick and accurate test result.


Versatile Technology For Enabling All Stages of Vaccine Development

Development of vaccines is a complex process, requiring detailed work, done under high pressure, with rapid timelines. Bring your analytics into the 21st century with InDevR’s products that reduce timelines, simplifies workflow, and improves standardization across facilities.

Solusi Kebutuhan Anda

Kami menyediakan solusi untuk kebutuhan instrumen laboratorium umum Anda dari merek Beckman Coulter, Major Science, Mettler Toledo, dan JeioTech.

Apa yang kamu cari?



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